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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Biology Paper.

Howdie y'all.

I wrote a biology paper for the year tell me what you think.

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The beginning of life and where it came from has been split into two beliefs: One Evolutionism and the other creationism. I hope to show both points of view and give you the facts and evidence that will show which of the two make more sense, Evolution or creation.

The first theory I would like to share is “The Big Bang Theory.” According to evolutionists 10 to 20 billion years ago there was a point in time where a small hot and dense spot in the universe exploded and created the planets, the stars, our solar system and the galaxies. It made Life, the universe and everything. Of course it was all an accident and completely random. The way I see it, the big bang is a colossal domino set made in a special way that when it starts it creates life. But ask yourselves what set up the dominos in the first place and what started the chain reaction? You might say that it’s not that hard to make all the dominos fall. It could be an accident but it still leads to the fact that you can’t start a domino effect without the dominos being set up or even without dominos for that matter. Where did the dominos come from? This can only be explained by creation. God made the universe, life and everything. It is the only evidence that fits the puzzle. The fact is you can’t have fun with dominos when you don’t have the dominos in the first place. If the big bang did really happen then the sun should be 10 to 20 billion years old, but, Russian astronauts and astronomers found that the size and brightness of the sun indicated it wasn’t very old at all. In fact our sun is very young. This proves that the big bang did not occur. Therefore if Evolution takes billions of years to take place than why is our sun so young? Another point against the Big Bang is this: Supernovas like the Crab nebula are so few. In our Universal time, Astronomers only see a nebula (an exploded star) every 25 years. In the near Galaxies we have recorded only 200 super nebulas. That makes 7,000 years worth of gas shells. Therefore the universe is not 10 to 20 billion years old.

The second theory is one that both beliefs have stumbled and clashed heads over for years. It is know as “Biological Evolution.” Let’s pretend that we see a small beetle. Suddenly the Beetle is eaten by a spider monkey. A second scenario: Imagine the same beetle. This time when the monkey tries to get a hold of the beetle the beetle sprays an explosive chemical that hits the monkey and the monkey falls to the ground. I know that this sound a little funny but this is a real life situation. Back to the beetle. You and the monkey are thinking the same thing. What just happened? Some how the Beetle has found a way to survive the vicious monkeys rage by developing a chemical that can defend itself. Defense mechanism: an automatic reaction of the body against disease- causing organisms. A mental initiated, typically unconsciously, to avoid conscious conflict or anxiety. A device used for defense against large and intimidating foes. A means of defense. What shall we call this insect? Actually this little bug really exists; it is called a Bombardier Beetle. This small bug’s anatomy has baffled scientist for years. One of the problems is how could this bug possibly do what it does best? If it were for scientist to learn anything it was that the beetle would explode from the beginning but the answer to that problem was that there is a small catalyst that is in the beetle. I’ll explain. Imagine two bottles full of chemicals. When the chemicals mix there is a chemical reaction which makes an explosive action. Without the two bottles (or organs) the beetle would explode and there would be dead bug pieces every where. That is why there are two organs. The beetle also has a tail that works like a thumb. It can point in every direction. Scientist also found that to the human ear the explosion sounds like one little squirt. Scientist said, by laws of physics the beetle should have launched itself into the air because of the great power that the beetle unleashed. Scientists soon recorded the Bombardier beetle and put the film in slow motion. It soon found that it was not one squirt but several squirts at a time making it possible to stay stationary when it launched its explosion. The whole point of this is to tell you that the Bombardier beetle evolved into this warrior beetle. It became this dangerous bug by evolving this explosive device. Let’s look at this logically. If a beetle was to be eaten by a predator it would be the end of the beetle. It would have no chance to evolve. Imagine doing a math test with no math knowledge whatsoever. Of course you fail. But let’s say you never get to correct it. That is exactly how this evolution does not make sense. If a creature had only one chance to live, it could not have a chance to evolve into a dominant species because it was destroyed every time. This also leads to the question: Where did the predators come from? The theory of Biological evolution is so complicated that many scientists have given up on it. The only thing that makes sense is the fact that God made all creatures in the specific way they are today. They haven’t changed, they were designed. Evolutionists today say that all animals evolve by random events that occur to them every day. Each day results in more gene mutation. If we took a book about George Washington and randomly sorted the letters in the book for a billion years, would it change into a book about dogs? How come we never see fish with feathers or elephants with gills? There are no “in-between” in species.

Theory number three is something that has been in evolutionary archives sense the beginning. If a scientist had an explanation for Biological Evolution it would be this: NATURAL SELECTION!!!!! Natural selection is the process by which favorable traits that are heritable become more common in successive generation of a population or reproductive organisms, and unfavorable traits that are heritable become less common. Natural selection acts on phenotype, or the observable characteristics of an organism, such that individuals with favorable phenotypes are more likely to survive and reproduce than those with less favorable phenotypes. If these phenotypes have genetic basis, then the genotype associated with favorable phenotype will increase in frequency in the next generation. Over time, this process can result in adaptation that specialize the organisms for particular ecological niches and may eventually result in the emergence of new species. There is a bird called the Galápagos Finche. Years ago when Darwin was studying life he came across this bird. He remembered another bird that looked exactly like it yet it was much bigger. The fact was they where the very same species. He decided that the bird must have evolved to a much larger state because this bird was easy pray to predators. Yet to this day most of these Galápagos finches in our time are small not big. The big ones are much rarer to find than the small ones. This practically says that this bird was evolving “backwards” so to say. Natural selection is also known as Adaptation. I personally believe that an animal can adapt to its environment but it is rare to see it happening. If this were true than fish could probably live outside of water. Of course fish cannot do that except for the amphibious fish. There is a fish that can come out of water for a very long time. The amphibious fish, this fish can breathe regular air, no water what so ever. The reason for this is for reproduction. The amphibious fish will come to the beach to find a mate and lay eggs on the beach and go back into the water. Of course if I were a fish like that I would stay out of the water all the time. If you could breathe under water wouldn’t you swim all the time? Now the fish does go back into the water. Also notice that the fish seems to be at the bottom of the food chain. If the fish was smart don’t you think that the fish would take its chances up here on land? Furthermore there are many problems in Natural selection that makes no sense. But in order for us to fully understand what influences the animal weather a fish or bird. Who or what gives it the knowledge that makes it more dominate than it already is? Why do we not see King Kong or Godzilla for real? Another thing wrong with Natural selection is that (I say again) there isn’t any “in-between” in species. Scientist Dr. Walt Brown, in his fantastic book "In the Beginning", makes this point: "All species appear fully developed, not partially developed. They show design. There are no examples of half-developed feathers, eyes, skin, tubes (arteries, veins, intestines, etc.), or any of thousands of other vital organs. Tubes that are not 100% complete are a liability; so are partially developed organs and some body parts. For example, if a leg of a reptile were to evolve into a wing of a bird, it would become a bad leg long before it became a good wing." That is one of the best quotes I’ve ever read. Natural selection is very confusing and I found it hard to refute. Yet I believe that God has helped me into the right beliefs and right sources.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 the very first verse in the Holy Bible one of the oldest and most accurate book known to man says very clearly how life came to place and who made it that way. God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.” Genesis 1:2. God spoke the world into existence. God created dark as well and the heavens, the earth, the stars, the sun, the moon, every plant, every atom in the universe, every bird in the sky, every fish in the sea, every animal on land, and God created man out of the dust of the ground and he saw that it was good. Genesis 1,2 it also says god had created everything in six days not billions of years.

I hope this will start a very long and logical conversation on the topic on the comment bar thanks for reading if you did and have a Merry Christmas.


Brown, Walt. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood

Center for Scientific Creation.(7th edn ISBN 1-878026-08-9)

God Almighty and Moses, Book of Genesis. Middle East: Holy Bible

Hightbeam Encyclopedia. (2007) Defense mechanism

Humphreys, D. Russell . Impact #233, Bumps in the Big Bang

Reel Productions, LLC. (2000) Video excerpt from "Incredible Creatures that Defy

Evolution I.

Wikipedia Dictionary. (2007) Natural selection selection