"Overpopulation" Epidemic and the Attack Against the Family
Umm, you see it everyday you go to Wall-Mart. You see it every time you turn on the TV, I mean. Some countries are worried about the whole "overpopulation" epidemic. In the Philippines it went from 6 children max in the 1960's to half that number 40 years later. This only increases the poverty level because there are no new people to work. I for one believe the whole overpopulated ordeal is a huge hoax that is killing the family. Chinese people are only aloud 2 children. This causes a problem: there isn't any growth whatsoever in the population number. I find it a bummer when two children were born under two parents who die later. 2 + 2 = 4 - 2 = 2. . . There is no up or down. Some people in China only have one child: 2 + 1 = 3 - 2 = 1. Then we lose a number in our population! AND THEN THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DON'T EVEN HAVE CHILDREN! 2 + 0 = 2 - 2 = 0 Ok, now remember these figures, for, believe it or not, it posses yet another threat. The television community has communicated in secret that it is appropriate only to have three children max. Have ya ever gone in a McDonald's and got frowned at cuz your family had 6 kids!?!?! You see, people have been brainwashed to denounce and shun big families. People have been taught that having more than three kids is absolutely insane! Now here is the climax of this little story: while we Americans are having three children per couple, Islamic people are having twelve. . . and on top of that, these Islamic men have more than one wife!!!!! One guy with 6 wives each one having twelve kids what do ya get? An army for Alah! *passes out* AND ON TOP OF THAT, WE HAVE PEOPLE SPAMMING AND ABUSING THEIR ABORTION RIGHTS!!! *Dies*