Good morning
How ya doing
love ta talk to ya.
He has shown you oh man what is good, but what does he require of you. But to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your lord. Micah 6:8
what element are you? Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, Dark created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Dark You are dark. You rearely let people see the emotions running through your veins, and most people think you are out for trouble.
How ya doing
love ta talk to ya.
Posted by Ryan Oakley/
Render MoonArrow
9:30 AM
ha beet ya here!!!
You always do. Can I have a donut? I love donuts. Good morning one and all.
I don't like donuts that much.
*picks from kolache Tree.*
I like Kolaches.
i love donuts.
Kolaches are good too. *Takes krispy kreme donut and glass of milk* Any weird dreams last night?
I love donuts too. They're so convenient in the way that they can be stuck on the wheel of your ship while you're steering, or stuck on your hook if you have one.
good question.
I was re acting out the movie rob made last week.
it was weird I kept on turn on and off the fan. in my room.
yes i had a dream about
a big big big pizza going
to kill me.
Hm. What movie? A giant pizza? Yum.
oh Did it?!?!@?!?!?!?!?
*Hoping it did*
you might think so but I don't.
Rob will probably put the movie on his blog and face book soon.
did you have any strange dreams?
Ah. Ok. What's it about?
I just told you.
Well I had one where a few friends and I were on a ship that was as large as a warehouse and we were climbing around in these big nets. Then we were attacked by some old pirates or something... it's hard to describe, but it didn't make any sense at all.
Of coarse not usually dreams are uncontrollable.
big old pirates. sound scary.
But I wasn't afraid of the pirates. There was something else out there, I think. It seems like one of my friends was telling us ghost stories or something and I was afraid of the was weird. Yeah, dreams are uncontrollale.
ok now im vary chard but not any
more. haaaaaa
im not chard.
I meant scared.
Yes. I have no idea what's happening most of the time and nothing ever goes as planned. But I can never seem to remember everything, only fragments, like the dream was a mirror but I can only retain broken bits of glass.
that was profound.
Why thank you. I have my moments.
OK may sister is making me git
off see ya later.
Ok. I'll be waiting.
I'm back.
*carries Rowan with Pirate clothes and Eating Pirate hat*
*laughing* That hat seems to be a bit big.
your telling me.
Well Captain were shall we set sail
*suddenly we find ourselves on a beautiful Beach with no one but ourselves and we see the Golden Dawn and Ancalagon Circling ahead.*
Wherever the wind blows. Where do you want to go?
Where ever the wind blows.
that is where we shall go.
*Wind starts to blow hardly Render's cape starts to flow through the air. walks toward Golden Dawn.*
*Takes wheel and spins it around, holding hat to keep it from blowing away. Waves become choppier and ship moves faster toward distant land*
No thanks. I prefer Dr. Pepper. Try some *hands glass*
but I rather Coke.
DP turns into Coke.
Here's to...the Golden Dawn! Cheers! *glasses clink and each take large sip*
*Dramatic music in background*
Render Drinks rest of Coke and Glass turns to Mist.
What is that Island ahead?
I'm not sure yet. The wind has never brought me here before. *Taking down sails to slow ship and dropping anchor; getting off slowly and looking at the land around them with wonder.*
What was that!!
look over there!
figure Disappears*
*Mist comes from trees and envelopes the newcomers* There! I see it too! *Another face disappears and reappears; suddenly more and more forms dance around them...*
Are those Kelmins?
I don't know. What are Kelmins? *More figures dance around them in a circle, disappearing and reappearing far away*
Oh, do you mean Kimmens?
ya Kimmens?
*Loud drumming starts up somewhere* That can't be good.
Kimmens are short, shy little creatures that seem to float over the ground and omit light. *Light flashes off a weaopn in the mist* I don't think these are kimmens.
well that's a relief they must be Kilmens.
a Kelmin is a short Mysterious Cannibal from across the see.
they are known to Eat intruders to their land.
Oh. Lovely. *To one of the cannibals* I don't taste very good. I'm bitter and tough. Not very good eats.
well we had better talk to the Grinalda beast of tamwind he will know what to do.
Ok then. Let's get out of here! It really is useful to know someone who can teleport.
Teleports to a dark Place full of Slime and mud. rain and Green smelling Fog.*
The Cave up there is the Home of th Grinalda Beast.
*Starts to walk behind Render* AnythingI should know about him first? Anything not to say? Anything that he would find offensive? *They stp in front of large, slime-covered door*
Just let me do all the talkin.
*Opens door*
Just be quite here we go.
O great blobin slimey one.
we come as clean and humble servants of the great Wulder!
Drikena a is his name but he doesn't like to be called that.
*Nods* *Blast of stenching air rolls out; gagging. The walls are dark and covered in slime. The floor and ceiling is made of stone, and in the middle of the room is a gigantic creature vaguely resembling a slug.* *Wrinkling nose in disgust*
I feal berry bad today.
I hate it.
Drikena comes into view as a giant Frog man.
*Watching as he eats a big piece of what looks like fish*
the slug id Drikena's wife.
pay no attention to her.
she hates being looked at.
talks to Drikena :
that is very good your royal disgustingship.
Drikena: yes I am proud of how I feel.
Who is this lady?
she looks delicious.
Render: she is not a sacrifice but also a servant of Wulder.
*Trying not to look at the slug; watching some slime drip down the walls* *Making another face*
What must we do to get to Alagasia?
*Nodding but taking a step back*
oh I'm trying to remember.
Drikena's wife: DID YOU LOOK AT ME?!?!?!?!?
Render: don't look!
*stammering* No, no. Merely observing the horrid walls and their lack of exsquisit decorum. *turning head away*
Drikena: oh yes. Alagasia. well first you must go to the Frozen obelisk at the Island of endless Death.
then put the stone of Delkanis to the Obelisk then a gate will open. then step into the gate the gate should stay open between the worlds as long as the stone stays there on the obelisk.
Drikena's wife said that.
she is mad anyway.
hmf! you know just read it out.
What does it stand for?
i think
are you making fun of me?
Oh. No. Sorry. I didn't get it. Why would I make fun of you? *turning around* Let's go to that island, then.
no this was just to inform how I get back to Alagasia and take it back with the help of my friends.
Aha. So...
we can't just go there it is on the other side of the world and you can't teleport there.
Well...alright. Now what?
*Looking nervously at frog man*
*Eyes widening as a huge tongue flips out and snatches a bug from the air*
we shall go to Candy land?
Nah. Too boring. Somewhere adventurous, preferrabley. *Eyeing frog man still then turning away*
Teleports to Candy land.*
hey Bonnie i can't stay i got to go.
me parents want me to take care of a few things
That's ok. Ttyl.
here take this book it has thousands of pictures just put your hand on the picture you like and you teleport there.
very simple.
I'll meet ya later.
Oooh. *Examines leather-bound book. Opens and flips pages, smelling the gust of wind they produce. Rubbing the cover and enjoying the texture it has. Opens book and looks at pictures of waterfalls, jungles, seas, mountains, caves, people, and different houses. Selects one picture of a cave filled with water.* Where is this? I'll be waiting for you to return...
*Touches picture. In a boat, slowly floating toward the cave. There are two cages on either side of the cave. A skeleton with flesh hanging on the bones is in one. A sleeping man is in the other. Buzzards fly over head.* Perhaps this was not the best place to pick...*opens bok again*
*Looks around, still floating in the boat. Picks picture of pyramids.*
She finds Render there on top of the sphinx*
How's the weather up there? *Shielding eyes against sun and putting book away*
It is windy!
hey I read the next ch.
it was really good.
Thanks. *Joins on top of Shpinx* I had something different in mind, but I'll save that for later.
okie dokie. look over at chiro do you see Ancalagon?
Why, is he missing?
ya that's the way he went
*Adjusts Indiana-Jones-lookimg hat* I see a speck out there... *pointing*
Shall we go and find him?
ya that's him
*suddenly we fall through a trap door on top of sphinx!*
*Landing roughly on the sand-covered floors* Ouch. *Standing up and looking at the dark walls. Render lights them up* Can you read this? *Pointing to Egyptian writing*
ya because I seem to know what it says and it says:
"go forward if you dare to tempt Death itself."
Well...we're certainly not going back the way we came *Looking at the sky, 20 feet away* Might as well. *Grabs torch from wall; Render lights it* Just watch out for traps.
Look! those holes.
they look like spikes will come out of them.
Can you freeze time so we can get past? *Suddenly spikes shoot out and we duck*
no if i froze time we would freeze to.
*The walls with spikes in them start to get closer together* There has to be a switch or something we can pull to turn it off! ... Or we could run for it.
ya lets run for it.
Starts to run*
The door! It's closing! *Dives after Render, almost loosing hat but grabbing it in the nick of time.* You're right; you are fast.
*Door Burst into flames and turns to ash.*
ladies first.
Thank you. *Cautiously entering the next room, taking a step back as a volley of arrows fly from a wall and turn to ash when they contact it.*
Do you hear something?
*turns around. huge round boulder rolling towards us!*
*running* Hurry, it's getting faster! *glancing up ahead* Oh no! It's a dead end! What do we do? *looking for some way of escape*
*Pulls lever*
wall comes up and blocks boulder.*
Wall behind lowers into another room.*
Nice one. Hey, what's that? *Looking to the end of the room. A thick, bubbling red liquid is slowly dripping down the walls*
Um, what exactly did you mean on the Narnia comment?
Which one?
where is it?
You left a comment. What did you mean?
Levi Thinks that's what you look like.
i don't know you came out as her and Levi Thinks you look like Jill.
Oh. his head that's how he pictures me?
and strangely.
so do I.
You still there?
was it something I said?
I'm here. Sorry. I don't know where I was.
*tilting head to side* Is that a good thing?
I think I was replying on another post. Woops.
I guess.
do you think you look like Jill?
*Looking at pic provided by quiz* hair is a bit lighter than hers. *Looking in mirror* Hardly. Maybe. Idk...*shrug* Think of me however you want to.
I grew my bangs out. She didn't.
I have a bigger nose than she does. And she doesn't wear hats. I don't think we're that alike.
okie dokie.
so there is a Golden Action figure on a pedestal should we get it?
Ooh. *Eyes shining from the golden glow* you have a bag of sand?
I picture you like in the picture at the top of your blog.
I always carry a Bag of sand with me.
everywhere I go.
you should cause that is me.
with a few alterations thanks to Rob.
Good. I always carry butter with me. :) Yeah, I know. That's why it makes sense. Ok, so back to the statue...*Watches as the appropriate amount of sand pours out of the bag and Render gets ready to make the swap*
Cool I think it's a transformer.
What was That?
*Floor begins to disappear behind us; ceiling vacing in; giant ball comes out from no where* Oh great. Run!
*water begins pouring in*
This is so cool.
I wish I put this together.
*Running toward the Exit sign.*
*Water rising. Suddenly a pillar crumbles and blocks the door. Giant ball still rolling. Looking up.* Hey, a skylight!
ya I see.
*shoots Graphling gun.*
may we?
Let's! *watches as they rise up and away from the deadly tomb* Much obliged.
That was fun!
*They crawl out of Hole in the ground dust blowing out*
how much do you think this is worth?
*Pointing to Transformer*
That depends on the time period. Here...about...Maybe... $73.01...I think...
ok we will sell it for $15,000,000,000,000
ya I'm sure someone will buy it.
*laughs* Where should we sell it? *Looking for cool marketplace*
We will sell it over there.
Walks toward Market place that was not there before and the terrain changes from desert to a Jungle.
Ooh. *Looks at all the different stalls; notes mysterious people with black cloth over their face looking very menacing. Approaches small stall with a thin man behind it*
Thin man says:
that is the coolest Action figure ever I give you $15,000,000,000,000 for it.
Gives Money to Bonnie.*
Do you like Veggie tales?
Thanks! *Black-clothed people start approaching, pulling their thick machetes. Hiding money in pocket* Uh...time to go.
I LOVE veggetales!
*Teleports to a place where large water fall is.*
which one is your fav?
Oooh. You can't ask me that. There's too many. I like Lord of the Beans, and the sily songs "cheezburger", the car one, and "Bellybutton". *looks at waterfall, wondering if there is a cave behind it*
What's yours? *Enjoying the feel of the spray on face; listening to the thunder-like sound it produces*
there probably is but we'll get wet.
but who cares!
stars to Run toward waterfall*
Have you seen the Pirates who don't do anything?
*Dives in and comes out the other side. There is a crystal cave, the jagged walls refelcting light in every direction from the colored stones. Breath is stolen away.* ... Yes. But I HAVE been to Boston in the Fall. No joke.True story.
*Crawls into the Cave Looks at the crystals.*
watch this.
*says a strange word*
*crystals start to change color.*
Whoa! *The light reflects in the other crystals, changing them too.* Can you make it green? *Room changes green* Awesome! It's like having your own disco ball!
but how would you know what a Disco ball is you don't dance.
Just because I CAN'T dance doesn't mean I don't...though I should probably not anyway. My dancing doesn't exceed the chicken dance, the moccarana, or the thriller.
you know he thriller.
so do I
starts doing the Thriller.*
Yeaaa! I love the thriller! *Joins in at the shoulder shrug. Head turn. Clap.*
Trips falls out of cave*
Ah! No!!!! *Watches as Ancalagon swoops down and saves Render; sigh of relief* Does Ancalagon dance?
well kind of in the air.
*Laughs as Ancalagon thrashes around and Render almost falls off*
*lands next to pond.*
snaps finger.*
picnic out of nowhere.*
Fried chicken?
Yes! And mashed potatoes, please. KFC?
here ya go.
go to new post.
*Eats hungrily, watching Ancalagon fish* *sighing and leaning against tree* What's your favorite place to go in the whole world?
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