Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Blind... Erm Blond Rap! an Awesome Song dat Bonnie and Chair Made!


Leviticus Moonarrow said...

vary cooooooooolll

Hannah Banana said...

Heehee...*laughing* Thanks. Now you can hear where we mess up better.

Where's the camping one?

Hannah Banana said...

That was coll. Where'd you get the beat?

Sugar_Pea said...

He he..that was sooooo good. Frank you.

Hannah Banana said...


Hannah Banana said...

*grins* You're turning into Mrs. L!She said that in the car one time. :D

Sam Wick said...

Thank you Render for your skills with beats. It is sooooooo much better now.

Hannah Banana said...

Seriously. :D

Render MoonArrow said...

Wankyou everyone. I enjoyed making it!


It will be an all time Favorite in the Blogger community!

Hannah Banana said...


Rob W. Oakley said...

I've posted some more pics and flix!!!

Go see them and enjoy ^_^

Peace Out!

Hannah Banana said...

Yea! I go see now.

Render MoonArrow said...

I got la beat form Amish paradise and made a beat loop with Narya.

Marina said...

Oh, wow! That was so cool! Who was who? Wait ;et me geuss, the first was Bonnie and the second was Chair? JW.

Hannah Banana said...

Yeah...that's me...I was the one who did the first verse of the rap...

Marina said...

Um... what?

Render MoonArrow said...

Yo Marissa

Remember dat the Mic is exaggerated.

they both sound Deferent in person.

They might have la same Accents but their tone of voice has been altered.

Just to give ya a heads up on what they really sound like.

Marina said...

Thanks, but I don't care what they sound like. Besides, have you ever heard them talk? Jw.