Day at Church & Blog Names
OK! It was totally awesome! At Church today Marina, Levi and I along with a couple of other people at Church played an awesome Card game Called Mow!
It was AWESOME! We should totally play with y’all sometime!
One of La main rules is YOU CAN’T TALK ABOUT LA RULEZ!
So ANYWAY! Dat was fun! I am sure if we played with la Blogging group we would have a whole bunch of Laughing!
Now I for one am tired of calling our Group La Blogger group. We NEED a NAME!
Here are some names I have come up with me self. If yo Have any Suggestions PLZ add yer Comments:
Fantasy Guardians
Alliance of Virtue
Noble Blessings
The Christian Elites
What ya think?
Dude...those names sound so...serious...and...legendary... and we're like...a bunch of goobers!! Like...we don't deserve those names...*weird feeling*
You know...I'll bet whatever we decide on, Flint will be against...
And, yeah, whatever we group do together turns out fun.
Yo have no will power!
La Computer is too powerful!
...I said DAY. It is now NIGHT.
Boy, that sounds familiar!
Not much. How was your day?
And I do TOO have willpower. I lasted 2 years with braces with a bucket of gum in my room. I didn't touch it.
Good fer yo!
Day was good Explained by post!
And Replying on your Comment on la Actual post:
Us Being Children of God You no think dat we deserve at least one of these names?
But I guess when yo look at la words they really don't explain who we are...
Well, I was just making sure. I mean, you could have not enjoyed the card game. Like they chained you to a chair, lit your hair on fire, and forced you to play the game or else half the world would be blown up and this post is secretly a cry for help with secret hints that you're being held hostage in France because they need American fries.
...I'm glad you had a good day.
Yeah, they don't explain who we are.
What? Phelps came in third?! Arg! *listens to explanation* Oh...well I guess he should conserve his energy...
Yeah.. If yo think about it he has dat Relay to do...
*Eyes widen*
I no know how they do it...
Last night was so cool, though! He beat the record! I was like "yea!!!!!" and Chair told me she was like bouncing up and down.
They must be like super strong.
Dat or I am swimming totally wrong...
Maybe they're mer-men....and grow gills in the water....
Would dat not be cheating Dear lady?
*raising eyebrows* Dear Render, if what you say is true, please show me where in the rule books it says mermen aren't allowed in the Olympics.
My dear Bonnie I do believe that the Olympics is reserved for the Human race that is why You cannot go.
JK know I'm a mermaid?
jousting kangaroos
Hm...*contemplating* I think they should have Olympic staring contests.
Oh...wait, that's not a sport...
Woohoo! Gymnastics!
How about La Bizarre Squad
That lady is 33 and she is a Gymnast at la Olympics?
Hey guys, you are really really random :P I laugh every time I read these comments. ANYWAY, just thought I'd tell you that I am the queen of MOU. It's fun, but I havn't gotten to plyay in a while. And I think we should start a petition to let non-human species participate in the Olympics. Ya.
Oh... so sad...
THanks fer la Comment.
at least you even pop up here.
La rest of la HBF clan has Gone extinct!
I'm still here! I was at your brothers blog for just a sec
I stand corrected!
*Throwing a glass of water out window*
YOU run! I'm going to sit here quietly and laugh at you :P :P I'm making my lunch at the same time I'm talking to you it's fun... i'm makin egg sandwhiches yummaaayy
IS that no drastically dangerous?!?!?
lol yes it is.. these will probably be my last words to the general public.... so farewell world... it was sort of nice knowing you... and don't forget that I LIKE CHEESE
Are you not wearing a Radiation suit??
I wear one all la time!
LEvi smells awful!
I mean it makes you tear up when you're around him!
He will be the death of me!
no i don't have one... can i get one on ebay? lol
wow.... tell him to go hose off or something
Yo can get anything on EBAY!
have you seen the youtube song "ebay" omw it is hilarious. and i have to go finish my lunch now. nice talking.. :)
IF You can get leftover meatloaf you can get a radiation suit!
Yo behave yer-self!
*pounding head on desk*
ARG! ARG! ARG! ARG! I can't believe I missed her! *pounding random objects* Why did the comment box not loud? WHY?!?! *Sighing* But that was a good idea about the petition, though.
I have heard that ebay song...
Wow, I must be special if you're that sad to miss me and you don't even know me :)
You are!
I've never talked to you before. I usually scare you away...
*sigh* Like now.
lol I'm sorry. Usually I just comment and go to another blog.... so no you don't scare me away. You actually remind me of my best friends a lot. :) :)
Oh. Well I tend to scare a lot of people. ;)
*suspicious look* Are your friends as crazy as I am?
{and if you're still there, supposedly immune to my scareyness} How is your day going?
You are so quick to making friends Bon-Fire!
Yo go lightspeed!
*points to Darby* she started it.
Well! it is a good thing!
*Slapping weird statue*
*Throwing pincil at Cat*
Hey! That's ILLEGAL! You're not allowed to slap statues!
*calls police; listens to person on end of line* Yes, I'll hold.
How was the sitting of the babies? Or, rather, youthlings...?
The YOUNGLINGS were great!
They missed me A LOT!
They drew me pictures!
*grinning* That's so cool! What else did y'all do?
We went Monster questing and Kungfu fighting!
Oh my goodness!!!!! ... did you bring me back any monster? I'm hungry.
Dat would be so cruel!
The poor monster!
*mumbling* Fine...don't get me a tentacle...even if they do taste like fried chicken...
What did they color for you?
Demitrious Drew me a pic of the tent we stay in while Hunting for Bigfoot and Max drew me a pic of his back yard!
Heehee. Did you hang them in your room? {the pictures, not the kids}
On la fridge-adater
Even better. :) That sounds like fun. I'll bet they were really happy to have you back.
Did you do anything else today?
LA driver's school.
Diner Bon-Fire
Ciao and have a good dinner. AHHH! DRIVING! Tell me all about it when you get back.
hey anybody there?
Ooh Pretty colors!
See the shinyness!
It is unhealthy to look at a laser pointer's laser
She evaporated...
No. I was kidnapped. Hey...a Bonnie nap sounds good right now. I'ma go take a nap. Ciao for a bit. If you need me, come to my house and bring a marching band; otherwise I won't wake up. :)
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