Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Hannah Banana said...

LOL!!!! I LOVE THE BEGINNING! The dramatic pauses and music add to the whole effect...

Who's singing the Olympic song in the background? :D *grinning and chuckling, almost falling off chair*

Yes. China CAN throw a party.

MICHAEL PHELPS!!!! He's a fish! I'm a fish! We have so much in common...jk.


Misty Mae and Kerri Walsh...they did AWESOME!

Heehee...I saw a bunch of bloopers for trampoline. :D Heehee. I love the opening ceremony too.

*watched some of the men's beach*'s ok. BUT the men's non-beach volleybal team...*shaking head* They were like...uncreative. They did the same play like 5 times!

LOL! I LOVE THOSE NICKNAMES! *falls off chair laughing*

Mr.Rogers {I used to love that show}...*shaking head*

End-zone? *starts laughing* Inceneration ball? *grins*

Uh...I don't think anyone else understands what happens either...

DOOM?! *giggles* *pokes Doom* H1! *laughs* He's so funny...

Ugh...who's the care bear with the smiley face sticker? *thinks he sounds like a hippie* oh. Happiness. How suitable.

WHO PLAYS PATTY CAKE ANYMORE?!?! *hides evidence of patty cake being played in room by self...*

LOL! ROTFL! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! ROTFL! ROTFL! ROTFL! LOL! *can't breathe* Coal...

Nice one. :D

Render MoonArrow said...

Wow... was la Black Cole thing really dat good?


Hannah Banana said...

LOL! YES IT WAS! I was like: *gasp* *thinking:* He did NOT just say that! HAHAHA, yes he did!

And then the hot thing...*grinning* That was good.

Render MoonArrow said...


Thubank you!

I try my best to make people laugh!

Hannah Banana said...

You do a VERY good job. *high-fives* Quite a talent.

Render MoonArrow said...

Man I am simply speechless!

I wish all yo guys could make audio posts too.

I am pretty sure Will is going to get into it soon.

Hannah Banana said...

Heehee. Is that good?

I hope we all do. And the Kidds need to post more.

If Chair can sleepover like...two weeks from now, we may make another one...if we can think of anything interesting to do/say...

Render MoonArrow said...

Yeah! yo do dat! HEE HEE!

Marina said...

The begining is cool!

Woohoo! Shawn Johnson is the awesomest!
I didn't see the opening...

Lol! My sis's watch that Mr Rogers show.
Yeah, that sounds cooler than battering ram. :)

Cole! LOL! ROTFL!!! That is sooo funny!

I think I'll make an audio post soon.