Google Chrome
Google Chrome is a brand new Web Browser. It works really well on my computer. I have never seen a sight load up faster in my whole unabridged life!
Now I am not completely sure if Chrome is for all computers so if yo want it do not keep yer hopes up. Also, It is in la Beta Phase which means the Google team hasn't finished it to its complete potential. So far I like it very much and am looking forward to using it.
Cool. How'd you get it? chrome...*ponders*
*decides to look up eventually*
Well if yo have Google just Search "Google Chrome" and it will ask you if you want a download and then soon it will download to your computer. Pretty simply just follow la instructions!
Hm...*ponder, ponder*
*goes to have dinner*
So it's really fast? Like really-really fast?
Yes it is Very Very fast! I have never seen a faster Web Browser ever!
Super fast!
I will try it...sooner or later.
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