The Silhouette's Riddle #2
A new riddle have I devised. The answer is found before your eyes.
I belong in a large family royal; I have no bottom only two tops to toil.
I face both left and right, this clue must be given for you to be right.
I have a sword in both my hands, both upside-down and right-side-up I stand.
My bottom faces left and my top faces right, I am ready to put up a very large fight.
The clues were few, that I warned you.
Can you answer?
~The Silhouette
Good Job, yo got it right Marina!
I hope ya don't mind if I delete yer answer, it only gives everyone else a try to answer it right.
Thank you! That's fine.
*is wondering if Bonnie has vb today...*
Only one way to find out!!!
*Dialing ----------*
Hey! I'm on a different computer and now the font of the post is different! Cool!
A card? The king of something?
{And, sadly, vb is over. :(}
Both are right but which king?
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