Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ch. 13? Ellismera

The Elves though tall were not as tall as Render nor Will and Levi. Them being Riders and all that Magical stuff. The group of travelers both Pirates, Riders and Dragons alike both Minor and Major followed the elves through a huge forest for hours to a large city. This city Render told them was Ellismera and they would stay for awhile.

Ellismera was Dark and damp. leaves were on the ground which was unusual for an Elvish forest. Children nor people were easy to find outside and if you did find them they would stare at you with unhopeful eyes. Ellismera and all of Du Welden Varden was dieing. The trees had an unhealthy look about them and the flowers and bushes were withered. The windows were unclean. The group of travelers were sad for the once grand city of joyful elves. They expected to come to a shining, happy, clean city. Yet only came to the opposite. Something about the place made one miserable and also made one not want to stay. But the Group of Friends had no choice.

The buildings had been shaped into the trees themselves by the singing of the elves yet the elves did not sing at the time of this downfall of Du Welden Varden. The whole group stopped in front of a huge tree and at the steps toward the great door sat Queen Islanzadi herself. She looked old. Which was also odd. Elves did not age by face at all. Their beauty reigned forever. The only thing that would look old would be an elves Eyes. Yet she owned the face of an old woman of many years. “you have returned” said the old Queen with a scratchy voice. The Queen coughed and the sound of it did not sound reassuring at all. “you may stay but you are still running out of time, for the final moment of the Shades reign has come. Soon he will devour all of Alagasea.” the Queen’s eyes were sad and lonely.

They were assigned to a Tree house close to the Palace of the Queen and the Dragons ( except the minor ones) stayed in a place in the mountains for all three of them couldn‘t fit in the same tree with them. “What do we need to do?” asked Flint frightened at the state of the forest. “We need to find a special artifact from the cave of Calindide” said Levi who did not look at anyone but stared out the window. “and what is this artifact?” asked Bonnie concerned for his Magical friend who had been discouraged by the state of the world. “this artifact is a long enchanted staff. It holds a special magic on it and with it we may be able to time travel.” Charity was about to ask “why did anyone not go for this artifact before” but Levi read her mind before she could ask her question. “the reason is because we needed three riders or more to destroy the barricade blocking the entry to the cave.” said Levi. “and now we do.”

They stayed there in that same tree house for a half a week. No one was happy nor joyful through that whole time. It also rained a black cold rain all day every day. Comfort was not to be found anywhere. It was always cold, gray and dull. To think one of the best places in the world was the most uncomfortable dreary and wet places ever. The group nether talked to other elves nether did any elf want to talk to them. Everyone was to busy mourning for the dieing dark wet storming abyss of a World.

Charity stood up with a loud stomp of her boots. “lets get ready to go now! I’m tired of waiting to save this awful world! How do you expect to save this place sitting around like this?” she screamed at everyone. Charity did not know she had that commanding voice. Everyone stared at her and then one by one each and everyone of them stood up with agreement. They were packed cleaned treated for wounds and hurts Fattened given supplies and after a days worth of work started walking trough the forest. The Dragons flew above their heads and not one elf save Levi and Render were with them. The new moonbeam capes kept everyone warm and dry and also could hold almost endless supplies of every kind. The Minor Dragons would come out and eat Bugs every so often but would usually stay in their Pocket-dens.

Render and Levi being elves were deadly quite and had powerful ears and eyes. All the Dragon Riders and Bonnie searched with their talents the surrounding areas with their minds. The group after walking for five days had only run into some wild animals every so often but in one fateful night the doom of the group would be decided.

As the travelers were going to bed and were deep in sleep the Spiders drew near in the trees. They hung down by there slimy, wet, sticky webs of string and as the group was sleeping they were tied up and hung in the trees. These spiders were strange they had the ability to spit this burning venom at the Dragons so the Dragons could not attack with out being mortally wounded. Each and everyone was poisoned to go to sleep and drawn to strange dreams. The weak sleepy group had no idea to what was going on and nether did they know that someone was coming to save them.

In the shadows of the land sat and stared the Dragoon. Cless was his name. a Dragoon is a whole deferent species. Kind of like an elf only they could sprout Dragon wings when needed. Cless had a whip of flames and a large sword. Dragoons also can use Magic and bend reality like the Dragon Riders. They are masters with a sword and flying.

Cless was warned by a friend of his. A young Girl elf who was actually Render and Levi’s sister. Her name was Luna Moonarrow she had a whole bunch of Minor Dragons and with there help she learned of the travelers. She wore a Dress that looked like it was made of Moonbeams. ( it was not a moonbeam cloak it only looked like it was made of Moonbeams.) she had Blond long wild hair that curled at the ends and a long streak of hair stood in front of her face hiding her left eye and she had a bow and arrow. Her minor Dragons flew around and zipped and chirped all around at random intervals one of the minor Dragons would land on her shoulder. The Dragons were all sorts of colors. Blue, Green, Red, Purple, yellow, orange.

They were standing there under the bushes and as Cless got ever closer to the captured Pirates and Dragon Riders he started stabbing the spiders left and right. As soon as he stabbed them they would burst into flames. He also used his flaming whip. Luna Shot her arrows and the Minor Dragons would use there powers and spit their venom like saliva on the spider’s faces and eyes making the spiders scream and wiggle. Luna’s arrows would hit her target always and as soon as her target died the arrow would disappear and reappear in Luna’s quiver. Her arrows glowed just like Renders. The Spiders were scared of the warriors and fled away.
The Elf Princes and the Dragoon let loose the captured prisoners. With the help of Luna’s Green Dragon she healed their friends. The purple dragon sang to them to relieve them for that is what Purple dragons do. As soon as Render pulled through he looked at his rescuers and smiled. “Cless and Luna. You were the last people I expected to find us.”

Luna’s voice was like a singer’s voice she was not as tall as charity yet she looked tall. She was beautiful and young. Cless looked as if he had a lot of experience in battles and did not speak at this moment. “no Problem it was our pleasure.” said Luna. Bonnie admired how many Minor Dragons she had and puzzled how she took care of them all. “Where are you going?” asked Luna with a concerned face she also put her hand out about waist high and a small blue glow illuminated by her palm which was facing up. With that all the Dragons landed on her and scrambled to there individual Pocket- dens. Bonnie was bombarded by all the voices in her head that came from the Minor Dragons. “We are going to find the scepter of time.” answered Levi. Luna Nodded “you have the required amount of Riders we shall join you for now but we will not follow you back in time.”

All of the Major Dragons landed in a clearing and they met them there. Everyone was introduced to Luna and Cless and Cless would only respond by saying “through the ears of Dragoons I have met you before.” the riders understood what he meant but everyone else did not.

Btw. hey I finished Dragon spell last night.

it was so cool and so is Kale!!!!!!

I need the rest of the series now. I can't wait to get my hands on them.

ok Bonnie it is your turn. hoped you liked this one. don't forget about the post I posted before this one it is called: Saturday in Austin!!!


Render MoonArrow said...


just when I get done you are gone.


oh well.

I guess I get some time to do my speech now.

I'll be waiting ya creep!

Hannah Banana said...

YEAAAA! That was really good! Yea! I think Kale ROCKS! I DID like this one. And I saw the other one. Now I have to go for like 10-20 minutes. Brb.

Render MoonArrow said...

okie dokie

I'll still be waiting ya creep.

Hannah Banana said...

I'm back.

Render MoonArrow said...

thou hast returneth to my humble Blog.

How was VB?

after ya tell me I'll tell ya how today was.

Hannah Banana said...

It was good. Our car was messed up or something so we had to drive REALLY slow {thus my lateness} and then when I got home I had to talk with my friends. Sorry I took so long. Thou farest well?

Hannah Banana said...

"Thous hast returneth to my humble blog" ?!?! ... oook then. :)

Render MoonArrow said...

I've been doing allot with the King James version Bible to help with my persuasive speech.

so don't freak out on me.

besides I think it is kinda cool how they spoke back in the day.

Hannah Banana said...

Hellooo?...did you die? No, no, no, no...speak! SPEAK TO ME! Eeeee...not good...

Hannah Banana said...

Oooooh. I see. Persuasive speech? You're going to post it, right? And how was your day?

Dude...seems like we haven't talked in a long time. At least we haven't been on at the same time for a long time.

Render MoonArrow said...

right now I'm reading about the MPAA or the Motion Picture association of America.

Hannah Banana said...

Ooh. Sounds interesting. It's like the first movie company, right? ...or something...

Hannah Banana said...

What are you trying to persuade people to do?

Render MoonArrow said...

to put an end to the poison of Media.

Hannah Banana said...

Ah. Oh yeah! I remember now! You're going to post it, right?

Render MoonArrow said...


how did you know that!?!?!

are you a Mind speaker?

Hannah Banana said...

Um...well...don't you kind of get that when you get a dragon? Minor or major? I've always thought it would be cool to be a mindspeaker/reader. Anyway, I want to read your speech! When are you going to post it?

Render MoonArrow said...



when I'm done thank you very much.

probably Wednesday night.

Hannah Banana said...

As in this wednesday or next? I'm gong to be gone like....all this weekend from like thursday till saturday. Tomorrow I have another vb thing...

Render MoonArrow said...

ya this Wednesday silly.

Hannah Banana said...

Sorry...some people would have said tomorrow.

Hannah Banana said...

What else did you do today?

Hannah Banana said...

Arg! I gtg. Talk to you tomorrow? Will you be on at like 4 till 5:20 or after nine?

Hannah Banana said...

Goodnight silly elf.

Render MoonArrow said...

after nine.


if only Tuesday lasted longer.


Crazy Pirate.

Hannah Banana said...

"'If only, if only,' a woodpecker sighed.
The bark on the trees was as soft as the skies.
The wolf waits below, hungry and lonely,
And cries to the moon, 'If only, if only'" ~ Holes.

I like that song.

Render MoonArrow said...

okie dokie then.

Hannah Banana said...

Sorry. I just thought of that when you said...nvm...