Hey Bonnie and everyone else!!
comment here I'm tired of scrolling down.
I'm just lazy.
~Render Moonarrow~
He has shown you oh man what is good, but what does he require of you. But to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your lord. Micah 6:8
what element are you? Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, Dark created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Dark You are dark. You rearely let people see the emotions running through your veins, and most people think you are out for trouble.
comment here I'm tired of scrolling down.
I'm just lazy.
~Render Moonarrow~
Posted by Ryan Oakley/
Render MoonArrow
8:07 PM
Hm...perhaps you should delete that extremely long comment? Sorry, had to take a shower. For a pirate I'm exceptionally clean. So...are you there?
yep sorry for taking so long.
so what are we going to wright about next?
That's ok. How were your classes?
I don't like to be reminded of them.
Hm...as far as writing goes, do you want to work out a system of taking turns? Either I write something then you do your version of it and write something and I do my version of it then you write something...or we could just take turns. You pick.
Btw, don't feel alone; everyone thinks school is boring!
I won't
i think we should just take turns.
but as long a Sir Delvin And tucker go leave tat to me.
you cane take care of the mysterious stone Will found.
Ok. So............
Where did ya go to tonight?
Oh. Volleyball. So ... ....
Did ya win or was it just practice?
Just practice. I practice tues and thurs. And we have tournys sat and unfortunately some suns. I think I have to go soon. *frowning...*
Oh well.
I guess I'll start on the Cruelty of Sir Delvin.
Sure, but I'd like to take the next turn in the pirate story. Savvy?
Btw, did you like the cereal?
It's not my favorite but it worked.
*Trying to clean messy cereal mess off of ground*
Don't look at me Ancalagon did it.
*Looking at Ancalagon suspiciously.* So THAT'S what they eat! *sighing...shaking head* Goodnight. I'll try to be on a lot tomorrow from lik 4ish till ... a long time.
cool nighty night.
this is Render Moonarrow Signing off
I'd guess I'd better sign off too:
Ciao and have a good night
~ Captain Bonnie Spinner
*yawn* Captain of the Uss..captain...crunch...*falls asleep*
hey it's four.
I hope you've been working on the next chapter.
but take your time.
Sorry. I was...eating...and talking to ppl...sorry! You here?
who is ppl?
...You don't text, do you?
ppl is a tla for people.
*sigh* tla = three letter acronym
Honestly, gwtp.
*Starts to cry*
brain hurts dizzy alone!!!
No, no, no! Don't cry! I can't handle tears! Here! *Hands over chocolate* I'm sorry. Feel better?
I'll be ok.
*eats chocolate in one bite*
*Gasp* And I thought I had a big mouth! Jk. I do. So what did you do today?
do I have to search the database again?
well here we go again!!!
*shouts* NOOOOOO!
ok ok.
if you insists.
So what else have you ever written? {Besides the dragon stories and the chicken poem.}
The hen who lived in the shoe thank you very much.
let's see
there is one story i wrote about flying fish.
I'll be glad to share.
It will take a while to find but "nothing is impossible" as jockemo once said.
Jockemo? The jester? I LOVE THAT MOVIE!
What movie am I talking about?
Um...so maybe not. The Court Jester. It's kind of old. Well... I suppose it was just a coinkidink.
No thumbleina sp?
Sp? Spelling?
Uh what are we talking about now??
Charity were did you come from?
ah ha another crazy person to talk to.
Bonnie see who has come to join our Mad tea party of weirdness
*hug-tackles Chair here because she didn't see the other one* Mad tea party? That means someone has to be the mad hatter! *steps back, un-volunteering self*
I guess that will have to be me.
*puts on top hat*
*sigh of relief* I would have voted for you. So, Mad Hatter, what's your first order of business?
Clean cups!!!
*moves a seat down*
Ah! This one is dirty! Move again!
ok lets speak about nonsense and after that we'll sing twinkle twinkle little bat.
Hm. Nonsensical...what's nonsensical? I think a great many things are nonsensical.
is that a word?
hey ask your self
is I say what i mean the same as i mean what I say?
how about:
I see what I eat is the same as I eat what I see.
i Get what I like is the same as i Like what I get?
i breathe when I sleep is the same as I sleep when I breathe?
No! They are most certainly not the same things! Othewise we'd have a lot of sleep walkers walking around. Hm... is there a word for those phrases? OOH! RIDDLES! We could tell riddles! I love riddles!
o k we must have a competition.
If I ask and you don't answer you must write about Amber or pirates
if you ask and I don't answer I'll write about Sir delvin.
OOH! Like in the Hobbit! Deal ~ YOU'RE ON! Who goes first?
Want to start a new blog so we don't have to scroll?
It's already done.
You're always one step ahead of me. ...I need to work on that.
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