Riddles!!! 3
over filled again.
bring it on if you dare!!!
He has shown you oh man what is good, but what does he require of you. But to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your lord. Micah 6:8
what element are you? Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, Dark created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Dark You are dark. You rearely let people see the emotions running through your veins, and most people think you are out for trouble.
over filled again.
bring it on if you dare!!!
Posted by Ryan Oakley/
Render MoonArrow
12:01 PM
Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. And whoever knows it wants it not
Is it...hmm...why would you make someting and then not tell anyone about it?
Ok, you can make a memory, you can make...friends. You can make ... What do you know that you don't want? How can you take something w/o knowing it? A germ? Is it a virus?
this is a pretty tree.
*points at tree*
Is it like hurt or pain?
*starts to climb pretty tree*
*looks at axe lying next to pretty tree...decides to leave it there according to better judgement* Arg. *sighing, pulling out pen and paper* *write at top: Part 4* ...just in case... Information?
*falls off tree*
*picks up axs with evil grin*
AH! *digs hole incredibley fast* Is it...information? Or...*eyes axe nervously and searches for weapon. Grabs sword* Breath? Oxygen?
I understand about the even thing; I do that too. That's why I'm posting this here.
no no no.
*throws axe at bird*
ARG! *says calming words* Humana, humana, fusa, fusa, flibberty worbit, hogglety wobblety, jim-jam...Spudoodle. Ok. *puts on thinking cap* Life?
look a river.
*starts to fish in river*
Ah! *frowning, frustrated...* Why, why, why, why, why can't I get this? *trying to balance sword on finger; failing miserabley* Hm... *rubbing foot* Ow. Ok...rrr... No, I'm not giving up!
Nature? Is it nature?
Are you a good fisher? I am not.
um I'm an elf.
*still doesn't catch anything*
not nature.
Hm. That explains sooo much. Arg! I'm going to have to write! *melting*
*ties fishing rod to root starts to gather fire wood*
...Couldn't you just levitate the fish out of water? *gets together pen and paper*
that wouldn't be fair game.
*burst of flames*
bon fire*
Bon fire? Bonnie fire? Bon-bon fire? *passes out*
bon fire as in real big fire.
you know.
*coming back to life cautiously* Fiiireeee! *eyes gleaming*
are you a piro maniac to?
*Gazing into fire, waving hands over and letting flames lick for a few seconds then stopping.* Mildly so.
mildly hu.
so thought up an answer or you going to write
Ok, ok...Arg. Nothing. I'm going to write. So what's the answer to that one and the door?
ok if ya say so.
are ya sure.
you can just write and not know the answer or do you really want to know.
ok hold on to yur hat
...Thats kind of creepy. I am wearing a hat. *glances out window* ... *whispers* can you see me?
the door one.
this is the question you must ask.
you come to one of the guards. don't matter.
you ask him:
if i asked the other guard which door was which what would he say?
then you do exactly the opposite of what the guard said.
get it.
and the answer to the other one is:
counterfeit money.
Um...plz explain the door one again?
come back to life!!!!
wise hail!!!
come back!!!!!!!!!!11
oh well.
now who's going to clean this up?
Gee, great to see you took it so well! *reluctantly stands up*
here we go.
you ask one guard it does not matter which.
if i asked the opposite guard which door was which what would he say?
if the guard said the left door is the way of death.
you would pick the left door.
and vis versa.
But he could be lying.
that's why you do the opposite.
But what if he's telling the truth?
then the other guard would be lying.
Uh...I don't get it. Can you like act it out or something?
ok act 1.
I come to the LEFT guard.
i ask him.
if I asked the RIGHT guard which door was which what would he say?
LEFT guard:
The LEFT door is the way of life and the RIGHT door is the way of death.
so i go through the LEFT door
because if he was lying i know that the other was saying the truth.
but if he was telling the truth then the other would be lying. that is why you do the opposite of what he said.
oh I mean the RIGHT door!!!!
you go through the RIGHT door.
now do you get it?
*Confused* No. It's WAY over my head. *sigh* Man, I've got writers block again...arg...
you have to write.
it's our deal!!
*pulls out contract with both signatures*
*crying* Why was I made with blonde hair?!?! Ahhhh! Fine, fine...*thinking*...Ugh. I need someting new...Someting...exciting...
ya you got!
exciting, new..
*mind trying to get around mental blockage*
use the force!!!
*grunting, struggling* Pulling out lightsaber. Arg! Just as I thought! My force-signal is down! *holds up force-phone* Dead! Arg... maybe it'll work in China... *starts digging hole*
here I'll help.
*suddenly we find our selves in china.*
magic is so cool.
Oooh! *overwhelmed in sights and sounds* Hey, look! *runs over to a shop, pressing face against window* Ooh! Over here! *runs and looks at lanterns.* Look! Do you have any money? What is this? Is this food* *sniffs* Ew, no, that is NOT edible! *runs around, looking at everything and says suddenly:* I got it! We need to go somewhere!
ya like were do we go?
here's five dollars and a dime.
I don't think alagasian money works here.
*closing eyes....imagining...mind filing through a list of possible places and plots* mmm...that's goood. That's real good. I'm in the mood for cereal anyway. *rumages through kitchen* Ok. Now...they need to go! *typing*
ok well good luck with the rest of the story.
I'll be waiting
OK. Thanks. *buys olypmics trinket* I think it's going to be shorter. Almost done...
tell me when it is done.
done yet?
See, I would be, but then I realized something and I was like, "...oh no, that doesn't make sense!" SO I think I need to re-do it. Sorry. It should only take a few days. :) Jk. I'll try to have it done soon...ish...
take your time.
I'm going to play Ping pong
or as the Chinese people say
Ping pong.
Whoa! Spanish, German, and Chinese! You certainly have a gift for languages!
iedy diedy diedy diedy diedy diedy die!
thats a song i learned when i was under water.
Really? Did you find out whose line it was anyway?
hey Bonnie.
I'm going to be gone from like seven to nine tonight.
I'll be babysitting.
and thats in 20 minutes.
done yet?
Oh. I scare kids. Sorry. no. But I can have it done by nine. I promise!
wwwooooooww! sounds like yall are having fun. LOL. ummm yeah. since i was last here maybe 3 days ago theres like 50 new posts. yeah. shocking really.
Darby! *waves* Yeah, maybe you should join us! It's a lot of fun!
ya you have any riddles?
are you still here?
come back
*falls on face*
Ah! I didn't mean to scare her away! *sob* Darby?
sorry i didn't know you were on at the exact same time as me. :)
Yeaaa! What's up?
*weeping* I'm sooorrryyyy! Render, I've failed you! I'm an hour late! *sobbing* I'm sorry! But I did it. Now it's your turn. You have no limits. Knock yourself out.
*still sobbing* I'm going to be gone for like 10 or 20 minutes. Ttyl...
WELL I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!
I didn't know I would be gone that long.
it's like 12:00 am!!!!!!1
I'm really sorry I finished it an hour late. That's ok. I don't mind. And about adding Delvin to the story, that's completely ok. Like I said: no limits.
I'm eagerly anticipating the next part...
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