Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Thursday, November 6, 2008



Hannah Banana said...

*slaps head* You have all the cool music, the special effects, and even nice voice-over narrators *cough* and you use it to tell a story about a three-inch dragon who eats fingers?

*chuckle* Nice.

...Do you not know the words of the chicken dance?

Hannah Banana said...

lol, you dropped a card...

Render MoonArrow said...

It ain't rare for me to drop a card!


Levi Helped too!

Render MoonArrow said...

Also, La story was much more elaborate than just la dragon.

Hannah Banana said...

Yesh, but it's funny when you do.

I know. I was just poking fun at you. Ciao and have a good night!

Render MoonArrow said...

Uh...Yeah I am dying of laughter!

Hee Hee HAa Haa Ho Ho Heeeellllllooooo !!!


~The Silhouette

Marina said...

lol! Yall are amazing!