Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Inspiration From a Fellow Blogger

1. I'll respond with something random about you

2. I'll challenge you to try something

3. I'll pick a color that I associate with you

4. I'll tell you something I like about you

5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you

6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of

7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you

8.This ain't a tag Dang it! You do it if ya wanna!

Ps: Mouse story will be a working progress soon, Bon-Fire
*is in la middle of CH.5 Prodigies story*



Hannah Banana said...

Don't we have to do something? Like leave our name? Or our favorite color? Or favorite restaurant?

Oh...that reminds me...I need to do the pirate story...-goes to brainstorm-

Render MoonArrow said...

Nope I just determine how one would comment!

Hannah Banana said...

Well then...have a good night!

Unknown said...

So, I'm supposed to do it about you?? Very well. *sigh* But then you have to do it for me *evil grin* Here goes.
1.Your whole life is random Ryan....
2. I challenge you to go bungee jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.
3. You are definitely orange.
4. Your wonderful sense of humor :D
5. My first memory of you is when you were tapping me in Glorieta >:(
6. You remind me of a chihuahua :D
7. Um..... I can't think of anything.
Hope your family is well, Darby Maeve

Render MoonArrow said...

1. You can't fly to save yer grandmother!...Jk...
2. I challenge you to jump first!
3. You...are...erm.....Purple, like the midnight.
4. You are always flippin' happy!
5. I remember being introduced to you during one of yer dad's speeches.
6. A beagle...(I am no chihuahua!)
7. When will I see ya again!?!?!?!?
and likewise with la crazy family stuff!


Marina said...

Orange? Chihuahua?

That's my comment.

Render MoonArrow said...

1. You always act like I get on your nerves all la time and you gimme that you-are-so-stupid look.....

2. I challenge you to go sky diving!

3. You are Red.

4. Yo are fun to be around!

5. I no know.... how did we first meet??

6. You are a black leopard!

7. Will you ever be la Grand Mou?

Marina said...

What? I am so sorry! #1 is soo wrong!

Ok, I will. As soon as I'm old enough. Really, truly.

Red. That's cool.

Thank you. You are too.

At church, when I was with Luna, you me and Levi started talking. We had seen each other before, a little, but then there was the campout and a one night confrence thing on saturday. So then Luna was with me... I'm confusing myself.
Ok. I met Luna at church once when our moms were talking. Then at the campout then at the one night speaker she started taking me around and stuff. Then the next day, Sunday, it was raining. So no one played outside. Then I was with Luna, and you, me, and Levi started talking. That's how we met.


AAAHHH!!! Almost!
I will! Someday!

AJ said...

-makes a random comment to see if you'll bother filling that out about someone you don't know- :lol:

Render MoonArrow said...

*Wonders why I am pestered for no reason*


1. Yo have cool blog architecture!

2. Try to stick to people you know!

3. Pink, the color that infuriates my soul!

4. I no know if I like you in la first place.

5. This occasion right now is my clearest memory I have....

6. You remind me of a tick

7. Gee... Will ya ever forgive me for dissing you 5 times???

~The Silhouette

AJ said...

:D :lol:
I'd say this was my favourite set of answers directed at me, but since I got a couple really cute ones before this... :P
Woot! Thank you for answering it. That rocked ^_^

Jessica McDonald said...

Hey Ryan...long time no see. :-)
Okay, so I'll do it about you! :-)

1. You putting on that paper bonnet and cleaning our house with endust. Hehe...

2. Um. I dare you to to the moon!

3. Outerspace Blue, methinks. :-)

4. You never ceased to make me laugh! Oh, and you like dancing which I consider to be a very likable trait in a person.

5. Ooo. This is hard. Didn't we meet at Church? Anyway, I remember thinking that you were very friendly.

6. I have to aree with Darby on this one. :-D

7. Remember that time when we all danced in 100 degree weather for hours? That was so much fun...

Please tell your family hello for me. :-) God bless!
