Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Ok then, guess who is back!

Dat Right la Moonarrows have returned to Texas. Right now me thinks we're in Fairfield Texas. it be north somewheres...

Anyway! Me Grandfather had to have Quadroople bypass this week so we went up to visit with him before he did. Now we are on our way home! (Grandpa is doin' real good)

ANYWAY! On the day of its release, I got Brisngr. If none of yall have read it yet, it is really, really good so far man!

Go get it! Now! or I will find some inoccent hamster and bight its head off! AGH!


Rob W. Oakley said...


I screamed...

Cause I didn't know what else to do...

Hannah Banana said...

I'm glad to hear he's doing good! That's great! :)

Yes. I have it...but I am on chapter...uh...something...

Marina said...

I got it the day it came out too. But I havn't started it yet, cause I have two people in line reading it before me and my mom wants me to read something else first.