Render Moonarrow

Render Moonarrow
My Fantasy Character

Moon Arrow

Moon Arrow
Another picture from Rob [OTM]

Ancalagon The Black

Ancalagon The Black
My Dragon

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Random Funny! AUDIO



Render MoonArrow said...

In my defense, let me just say, we were really, really bored, and really, really, hyper!!!!!


Hannah Banana said... it a sin to not turn your cell phones off in theaters?

I like your song...that

The bathroom is the first place they'll look!?! Oh my!!

Wow, guys, that's some bad acting. I can just tell from here.

LOL! I LOVE whoever's Irish accent that was...

Nice Napolean Dynomite parody.

Are u doing Nacho Libre? *laughs* goodness. You know, that gets kind of annoying after a while.

~Thē Sĭl'ū-ĕt' 該剪影 said...

Are you ticked off at someone besides me?

Hannah Banana said...

It seems like I'm ticked off?

~Thē Sĭl'ū-ĕt' 該剪影 said...

NVM. . . I no know. . .

Hannah Banana said...

Well plz tell me if I am; I don't want to come across as mad or anything.

Hannah Banana said...

Let the truth be known...

Hannah Banana said...

...are you mad at me? I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you or annoyed.

Leviticus Moonarrow said...

im mad at you jk how ya been

Leviticus Moonarrow said...

wow i haven't bin here in forever

Leviticus Moonarrow said...

the audio was really fun to do

Leviticus Moonarrow said...


Hannah Banana said...


Hannah Banana said...


Hannah Banana said...

Pff, foo, I slap you.
I been great!! Missed school and went to a b-ball game which we lost but it was still completely fun and I got so hyper on the bus.

How u been? How was ur weekend? What u been up to?

Render MoonArrow said...

This is weird

Hannah Banana said...

Why's it weird?

Render MoonArrow said...

I haven't been here in a while. . .
It's like a world i have forgotten. . .

Hannah Banana said...

I know!
But I like it. Reminds me of old days. Another age, another time. It's like that hot-chocolatey home-y feeling...or is that just me?

Render MoonArrow said...

I knew that one day, Blogging would become ignored to a point

Hannah Banana said...

I won't ignore it. Not completely.

Have u given up on it?

Render MoonArrow said...

I made an audio

Render MoonArrow said...

No one reads it bedsides you, though.

Hannah Banana said...

Wait, just now?!

Render MoonArrow said...

No, not now

Hannah Banana said...

Ok. will you keep using it for auds and vids?

Render MoonArrow said...

Yeah, but vids'll go on fb, too.

Hannah Banana said...

As long as you haven't completely abandoned it. :)

Render MoonArrow said...

Well, not completely.

Ya know, this blog will one day be used as something my great grand children will use to learn about me. . .

One day. . .

Hannah Banana said...

Uuuuhhh....that's so weird to think about!!!! It's like....*twitches* I can't even like describe how "WEIRD" that could try, but I'd fail...that's so WEIRD!

Render MoonArrow said...

And they will read this very comment.

Great grand children,

You are probably reading this because I am dead. . . And because some jerk decided to corrupt your being with this blog by telling you that it exists. . .

Behave yourselves, but give your parents and grandparents a hard time. It's fun to mess with their brains (if they have them . . )

You probably think blogging is out of date and so last century, but it is a good source of knowledge.(But not from this one: it will probably be a dog-gone waste of your lives)

And Here I am, typing this away, not knowing if I will even live long enough to have children.

I will have further messages for you later. . . if I have fingers to type with. . .

Amen and amen. . .

I was 16 when I wrote this. . .

Hannah Banana said...


Render MoonArrow said...


Don't mess up my highly thought of message to my future [if any] Great Grandchildren by shivering!

Render MoonArrow said...

I'm gunna go delete those bad posts now. . .

Hannah Banana said...

I'm I supposed to like say something...?

"Bad posts" ?

Hannah Banana said...

You know, you should make a whole blog post dedicated to them. Called "Future Generations." And it should just be like a letter to them. That would be awesome.

Render MoonArrow said...

I am just saying that to make my Great grandchildren THINK there were bad posts.

Render MoonArrow said...

i might do that!

Hannah Banana said...

You should!!

Render MoonArrow said...

i will, and I will make a direct link to it on me blog!

I think i shall do the same on FB

Hannah Banana said...

Dude...that's so would have been dead for like a generation and your facebook will still be active...?

Hannah Banana said...

Dude...that's so would have been dead for like a generation and your facebook will still be active...?

Render MoonArrow said...


Why did you repeat yerself?

Hannah Banana said...

Echo!! I haven't seen you in ages!!

You don't show up in fb, do ya?

Render MoonArrow said...

One day my great grandchildren will laugh at this blog!

Hannah Banana said...

Psh, I'm laughing at it now.
Or maybe they'll all be serious.
Dude...what if America becomes like a Communist country sometime along the road? What if they take away blogging rights? Can they do that? What if all the next generations are like a whole nother race of people? Like serious, sad, oppressed people? Dudddeeee...

Render MoonArrow said...

What if Jesus comes tomorrow?


i don't think I'll have kids!

Hannah Banana said...

I honestly don't think I'm going to get old. For some reason I have the feeling that I'll die before then. Idk why.

Render MoonArrow said...

Well, aren't you the melodramatic one!

Really, you make me wanna go cry somewhere!

Hannah Banana said...

No...I think I'm going to die before I reach 3o. And that's ok. :)

Nah, don't cry. Have some chocolate. It's alright. You'll live to be a nice, old yoda. I can picture you as like a five-foot, old guy. With a green beard. :D

Render MoonArrow said...

ya know what, so can I!

Hannah Banana said...

Haha. Hobbling around somewhere throwing random things at people...

Render MoonArrow said...

I do that now. . .. In fact, all the time. . .



NO NO!!!

Hannah Banana said...

*nods* It's already begun, Render.

You know what...we're already dying. Isn't that weird to think about? Kind cool, though. Each second that goes by is another second we will never get back. Each second is one closer to death. Isn't that weird?

Render MoonArrow said...

Nope, you're weird thinking that way.

I think each second we grow closer to heaven; therefore, closer to God.

Hannah Banana said...

So really we're one step closer to life.

Render MoonArrow said...


Render MoonArrow said...

Yes, in death, we are closer to life!

If yer saved, that is!

Grandkids! You had better be saved or I'll come out of the grave and make ya saved!

Hannah Banana said...

*rolls eyes* come out of the grave and slap them with Bibles...

Render MoonArrow said...

You already know what Imma do!


yer a prophet!

Hannah Banana said...

*waves hands* No, no, no.

That's a lie.

I'm just a mindreader. :)

Render MoonArrow said...


Right.. . .

hey grandkids, if you meat a Bonnie Spinner, run for your flippin' lives!

But then again, she's only gunna live to be thirty. . . Oh well. . . Better yet. . .

Render MoonArrow said...


Render MoonArrow said...



Hannah Banana said...

Lol. Tell them I was cloned in a lab and that I had green hair. See if they believe you.
On second thought, just don't mention me. :)

Render MoonArrow said...

Oh, I won't believe me!

Grandkids, consider yourselves lucky!

Jk, to you Bon-Fire

Render MoonArrow said...

Hey grandkids,

JK Means Just Kidding. . . If you even speak English. . .

Hannah Banana said...

*got lost* they still wear jeans?

Render MoonArrow said...


Do you still wear jeans, kids?

Why am I asking you? I am dead!!!

Render MoonArrow said...

it is so weird talking this way!

Hannah Banana said...

Si, words being spoken by the lips of one dead to a world never seen by his eyes...

Hannah Banana said...

Oh, one more thing before I go that I thought I should mention:

kids, your grand-whatever-he-is is a HEALTH HAZARD!!!! Dangerous.

Marina said...

I read it???